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Munro Kennels | Overview

Munro Kennels is proud to offer our Canadian purebred Doberman Pincher breeding program based out of Sturgeon County, Alberta. We are dedicated to the health, temperament and standard of purebred Doberman Pinchers. Our wholesale pet product and distribution network offers major brands to owners and handlers across Canada, The United States and around the globe. Shop online and find our selection of pet supplies, farm and ranch materials, consumables and much more.

So Whether you're in search of a new family member, are looking to shop wholesale products for quality feeds, dog food, animal toys or supplies, Munro Kennels is equipped to help. We offer a variety of supplies and resources that include our owner education programs and even a news and information section. You will find it easy to keep up with all the latest updates with Munro Kennels.

When you create an account, you will enjoy members only benefits like order tracking history, personalized product recommendations all via pet profile creation. This allows for the fastest and most efficient reordering too! If you're looking for a trusted source of pet supplies and products, then Munro Kennels is the place to visit. Not only will you find what you are looking for, but Munro Kennels can also help with training, news and information about specific breeds, as well as general owner or handler education courses to help better understand and work with your pet. 

Our easy-to-use website allows customers can easily create a pet profile for personalized recommendations regarding any products or supplies. Additionally, those who register an account are eligible for a wide range of member benefits such as order tracking and reordering services rewards programs and more. Whatever your needs may be when it comes to home or pet care - whether its products or advice - Munro Kennels is here to help!